How Do Toddlers Cope and Understand New Concepts?

Best Nursery School in Ahmedabad

Best Nursery School in Ahmedabad

Learning is a continuous process, so it is common for your toddler to be exposed to new concepts daily. However, it can get a little overwhelming for children to understand and grasp new information. This factor does not mean it is impossible.
At the Satellite School, one of the leading Nursery in Ahmedabad, our goal has been to find harmony between new concepts on one hand and multiple resources and techniques that can help in introducing these new concepts before toddlers on the other.
On that note, let us look at some sure-shot ways of helping toddlers cope with learning new concepts without feeling burden or pressure in any form.


• Use of Diverse Resources:

If your child has started attending nursery class, it is common for them to be exposed to never heard or understood concepts. When such a thing happens, the last thing you would want is for your child to remain aloof from these concepts.

One trouble you may encounter; is with your child finding it difficult to grasp and make sense of new concepts. While you may assume it to be your toddler’s incapacity to learn, it might have to be with your narrow approach.

Hence, one of the best tried and tested ways of introducing children to new concepts is by falling back on a mix of resources such as books, audio-visual tools, and learning through various offline games. With this approach, your children will not just learn new things but also fall in love with the process.


• Learning through Experiences:

Even though books are a great medium of learning, nothing can beat the power of observation and experiences. This wisdom is particularly relevant in the case of children who are present in terms of their attention span.

We at Satellite School for Children, a renowned Nursery school in Ahmedabad, train parents to take assistance from real-life experiences to get children into learning new things. For instance, you might want to introduce your children to numbers; now, instead of relying on books, you can use fruits and vegetables to unveil numbers and mathematical functions before toddlers.


• Acknowledging Individual Pace:

Many times, it is not your child but your lack of understanding of the situation that may prevent your toddler from learning new concepts. Parents must understand that even though 20 children may be studying in a nursery class, not every student will learn and understand at the same pace.

Hence, the problem may not be with the technique but with the assumption that your child isn’t able to pick new concepts. At the Satellite School for Children, one of the best schools in Ahmedabad, we ensure that every child gets the freedom to learn at a comfortable pace.


• Keeping Questions open:

As you know, children, and toddlers, are interested individuals. They are full of questions and are always more than happy to find answers to these questions for parents, teachers, and elders in general.

Many a time, this curiosity helps children in learning new concepts. So, first thing first, as parents, your job does not end with enrolling your child in a reputed Nursery in Ahmedabad or the city you live in. What is also crucial is encouraging children to ask questions and be open to answering them every time.


• Activity-based learning:

Even though attending school and learning from books is the starting point of new concepts unveiled before children, it is not the whole and sole medium of learning. Real learning also comes from engaging in innovative activities, sports, playtime, and extra-curricular activities.

For instance, you may want your child to learn the importance of functioning in a group. In this case, you can get your child to play a group sport, in the course of which your child would understand the concept of a group, its functioning, and its importance in general.

All this while, if you have been confused about ways in which you can get your toddlers to learn new things while 100% enjoying the process of learning, then the above tips and tricks are sure to come in handy.

Likewise, if you reside in Ahmedabad, a good starting point would be to enrol your child in good preschools like Satellite School for Children.