7 Best Avenues for your Toddler to Learn Math & Language

best preschool avenues for toddler

best preschool avenues for toddler

Many parents wish to inculcate the basics and develop early math skills in their children. Children of such parents learn to understand mathematical concepts, through regular interactions, at a very tender age. Well, children with these basic skills are ready to be a part of the best preschool near me. To start with, one may introduce their child to informal activities through various routine activities. Let’s give a read to the best ways of strengthening the early math foundation of the children.


The Beginning with Counting

The very first step in teaching the basics of math to the child is by beginning with counting. The children may count the number of steps as they go upstairs or move downstairs. Also, another way of teaching counting is by asking the child to count the number of plates. This will help them learn about the quantity of the item before them. Making the children count together will also help them learn quickly with friends.


Mathematical Operations

A child can learn various mathematical operations with grouping activities. Taking a deck of cards and grouping them will teach operations to the child. He or she will learn about concepts of addition and subtraction through these groups of cards. Asking the child to lend a card will help teach sharing along with mathematical operations. School will help your child learn mathematics in various ways.


Identifying the Sizes

Taking an object in various sizes and keeping them before your child will boost the learning process. The child will, now, know of the different sizes of any object. He or she will start understanding what small, large, or medium mean. One must remember that comparison is the best way of teaching about varying items in varying sizes. Also, the child will learn what the terms same and different would mean. The objects kept together or separately will allow them to identify as similar or different, respectively.


Day-to-day observations

Things that a child sees in his or her daily routine remain in their memory. So, introducing them to day-to-day items will help them learn a lot. They will know what a clock will mean and what a tub will mean. This would also help in improving their vocabulary at an early age. Undoubtedly, the child will have a sharper memory in the long run. As soon as they find a relatable object, they will utter the word taught to them. The best preschool in Ahmedabad will further nurture their skills and hone their memory.


Talk as much as you can

Regular conversations with the child will help them learn a lot and retain them in their memory. Although the child might not be proficient, they will know of communicating with others. This will help in developing the literacy skills of the child at an early age. When the child has easy-to-understand books, they will polish their language. The more the child will explore, the more they will know and understand the language.


Construction toy games

A child will surely learn well before entering Pre school in Ahmedabad through construction games. A game of block constructions is good to start with, for the child. Let the child assemble the blocks according to the shapes and sizes. Children will identify the various mathematical shapes and quantifiable sizes of the blocks. Further, this will help your child learn name of various shapes and number counting.


Question a little

It isn’t harmful in any way to question the child a little in between the games. When the child answers correctly, they will have the confidence to adapt to the environment of the best school in Ahmedabad. This will also boost the communication of the child and let them talk to anybody with ease. The child will be well-acquainted with objects of daily routine and their quantity. Hence, this will boost the basic learning abilities of the child.


The Bottom Line

A child will develop fluency in counting and naming the objects with more practice. However, when you provide your child with a productive environment, they will learn quickly. The child will spend a considerable time at the school with friends & teachers. So, choosing the right school with innovative & creative ways of learning is surely beneficial for the child.